I am thrilled to have been able to purchase a yearling ram privately from R & S Evans, Norfolk. This ram has top performance figures, alongside high worm resistance EBV’s. He is just the sort of ram that I like, good depth of body with length and a good backend with a tight fleece. His bloodline is new to theĀ Bearwood Flock and I look forward to seeing his progeny next year.

A homebred yearling that is currently the highest rated Signet Recorded Lleyn yearling ram will be retained. His father is also currently the highest rated Signet Lleyn stock sire – 971:140661– (This ram was sold to P Aubrey, Devon last autumn). I have a number of 0661’s daughters in the flock already and 03592 will be used on the other bloodlines.

(Click on the ram’s tag number to access detailed information)