Lambing is coming to an end for another year. I had a lambing assistant from a non farming background helping me this year. It is nice to see a young person passionate about sheep and wanting to forge a career in the industry.
The weather was settled for the majority of March which allowed us to put ewes and lambs straight out to pasture 48hrs after birth. The storms over Easter were not pleasant, winds from the north and east with rain is a “lamb killer” on any lamb that is weak or looses it’s mother during the night. We luckily only lost a couple of lambs with the others looking pretty miserable but as I write this post, the sun is out and all lambs are jumping about.

The Blue Texels lambed well with 75% being ewe lambs, which is just what I wanted. This means I will have between 15 and 20 Blue Texel ewe lambs for sale this year. The Lleyn percentage of ewe to ram lambs is 50%, so there will be up to 200 ewe lambs available. All ewes lambed with little assistance and with plenty of milk and the lambs are doing well.